Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello Albert Oldham Famiy!

So to start off this is Rashelle Drennan, and I was speaking with my Mom earlier today and she was sharing the family news. I was so glad to hear of all the new additions to the Albert Oldham family coming up, and I thought it would be nice if we had a central location that everyone could post their exciting news. Especially for those of us who don't live close by anymore, it's really fun to stay in touch. So that is the purpose of this blog. You can use it as a message board for upcoming family events, or to announce weddings, showers, baptisms, parties, etc. Or just to post some funny little story your child said, a thought for the day, a great recipe, you get the idea. I will send an email to everyone with the email account that I set up specifically for this blogger account, and the password. For now I will let you know the email to log in is If any of you want to be able to sign in and I don't have your email you can email me at and I will send the info to you. I hope everyone will participate or at least enjoy this new way to stay in touch. So long for now everyone. -Rashelle